Ready to find healing from unwanted pornography use in your marriage...
...but don't know where to start?
I have a vew ideas. Here's a FREE masterclass called Becoming Enough that you will wish you had like, yesterday.
What you'll learn in the masterclass:-Why telling yourself "I am enough" over and over doesn't work. -How to stop feeling like you aren't skinny enough-How to handle SUPER intense emotions-How to feel better even when your spouse is vewing porn.
While you wait.....
Check out my podcast!
Episode 1 tells my story of how I met my husband, what it was like for me when I found out about his porn use, and the beginning of my journey to truly understand that his porn use was not about me.
I'm not waiting for my husband's behavior to change in order to find joy in my marriage, and I promise you don't either.